Coaching Services

Learn more about individual coaching programs below. Click “Start Now” to pay for coaching services today and jump right into 1:1 coaching with one of our expert coaches. If you have questions, would like more info, or want to speak with a coach before beginning training, please fill out the questionnaire at the bottom of the page and we will contact you ASAP.

All of our coaching programs include:

  • One-on-one coaching from experienced coaches: all of our coaches have competed at the elite level of the sport, and have coached runners at the NCAA, NAIA, and National and International levels of competition.

  • Consistent communication via phone, email, text, and Zoom

  • Individualized weekly training plans on an industry-leading app (your choice of Training Peaks or Final Surge), adjusted for your current progress and schedule.

  • Detailed race and event planning

  • NO CONTRACTS - each plan is billed monthly, with no long-term commitment required

After payment, we will reach out to you to learn more about you and start working to reach your goals!

Running Program

A detailed training program designed to fit your needs, whether you are new to running or have years of experience. You will have consistent interaction with your coach of choice via phone, text, and email based on your preference and availability in order to ensure your goals are met. Each weekly schedule and daily workout is individualized based on your goals and current development.


Run & Strength Training Program

Our running program, plus a strength training plan built around your schedule and adapted to fit the resources and tools that you have at your disposal. Our strength plans are designed to work cohesively with your training schedule so that you are improving in many areas at once. This speeds up the process of adaptation to training, allowing you to see results faster. Our strength programs are also built to prevent injury by strengthening connective tissue and muscles involved in stability and support.


Triathlon Program

Training for a triathlon can be tricky, with multiple sports and energy systems at play. In our triathlon program, your coach will work with our staff swim coach to make sure that run, bike, and swim workouts build upon one another and have a greater cumulative effect in training, while maximizing recovery for this demanding event.


Mental Skills Training

Our mental skills training is based in the most recent advanced methods of sport psychology. Sport psychology is quickly becoming a tool used by many athletes at the elite level to gain a competitive advantage while improving their overall well-being. Our holistic approach incorporates mental skills sessions, positive psychology methods, and an emphasis on mental and physical recovery to help our athletes get the most out of their training and themselves.


Let’s Get Started

Interested in a training program? Want to learn more about any of our services or speak to one of our coaches? Please complete this form and we will be in touch with you very soon.

Thank you!

Terms and Conditions:
  • Coaching programs have no commitment required, and are billed on a month to month basis.
  • To cancel, please email and request to cancel services.